Monday, December 8, 2014

A Castle on the River Avon (A Little Bit About me Part Two)

When asked what is my favorite/most meaningful piece of real estate, I would have to choose Warwick Castle, located upon the Avon River in Warwickshire, England.  This piece of real estate comes to mind due to this Castle being a popular location for my family and I to visit while on holiday in the great country of England.  I have been to the Motherland numerous times, with the first trip occurring when I was but a month old baby, and have continued pretty much every summer from then on.  As my grandmother and grandfather, both native English live in nearby Oxford, in Oxfordshire, Warwick Castle was always an incredibly popular destination to go visit due to its close proximity to Oxford, and also due to the Castle's immaculate condition.  Another key factor in choosing this particular parcel of real estate as my favorite is easily the rich history associated with Warwick Castle.  Constructed in 1068 by William the Conqueror, this Castle has been able to withstand both the test of time and the numerous conflicts that helped to forge England into the modern nation that it is today, such as the Hundred Years War, during which the castle was refortified and took on the highly recognizable stone facade it has today, as well as being a staple of 14th century military architecture.
Overall Warwick Castle is my personal favorite piece of real estate due to the many memories shared within its walls and its distinct history and architecture that has endeared it into the hearts of many English and British alike.

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