Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Reshaping Downtown San Antonio

My hometown city of San Antonio, aka the Countdown City (210), has been undergoing rapid expansion and renovation, from the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center situated on the always lovely Riverwalk to HemisFair Park, downtown San Antonio has recently entered the news as a hotbed for real estate development.  In the northwest corner of downtown developers are renovating a historic century old department store for Geekdom, which is an 800 member communal workplace for tech professionals.  San Antonio has recently entered the news for its friendly tech environment, as the city also contains Rackspace, which is a cloud storage and computing company that is currently valued at $4.5 million, and as the city continues to grow it will in turn become a destination for technology related companies to locate.  Public infrastructure is also receiving an overhaul, with renovation/expansion to both the convention center and HemisFair park, with the ultimate goal bring to build playgrounds, housing, and cafes.  The goal of this development is to give downtown San Antonio a parklike atmosphere, which will of course turn the downtown area of the city into an even more inviting destination for tourists and native San Antonians alike.  The King William district of the city is also experiencing rapid increases in property values, roughly tripling in value over the past decade due to extensive renovation and a newfound interest in urban living.  However there is one caveat when it comes to San Antonio's booming real estate market, there is not necessarily much to buy, which has squeezed prices to all time highs, with future development planned for rental properties.  Interest in renovating and developing downtown San Antonio began to peak in 2002, when the defunct Pearl Brewery was purchased by Christopher Goldsbury, a San Antonio native, for $1.12 billion.  Ever since his purchase, Goldsboro has created a bustling neighborhood built upon, and surrounding the Pearl Brewery, where sprawling apartment buildings continue to be built as well as a diverse network of local artisans who call the area home.
Overall San Antonio is becoming a hub for real estate development, and the renovations that have been undertaken seek to make the city an even more beautiful and diverse place than it already is.
Go Spurs Go.
An artist's rendition of downtown San Antonio.
Part of downtown San Antonio and the city's skyline as seen at night.
San Antonio's Riverwalk as seen at night.

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