Monday, December 8, 2014

A Little Bit About Me

Good day traveler of the Bloggersphere and welcome to my blog,

I would like to begin this series on Real Estate for Prof. Russ Peterson's class with some background information about none other than yours truly, or the man behind the computer screen who is typing these random musing parading as logical dissertation on the wondrous world of real estate and all that it encompasses.
But I do digress, my name is Dalton Flint and I was born in the sleepy city of San Antonio many years ago.  I am a senior Finance major and proud member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2015, and hope to graduate in May of 2015.  My hobbies and interests currently include playing basketball, racquetball, and most other sports that contain the ending 'ball,' as well as home brewing, of which I am an avid beer enthusiast, but fret not reader of this blog, I am 22 years old (sigh).
As far as this class is concerned, Finance 371, I hope to gain a greater understanding of Real Estate and how it pertains to business finance and investing in a corporate environment, as well as the legal and other technicalities involved in the field of real estate, so that when it comes time to make real estate based decisions I will have the necessary background from which to draw on to make said decisions.
Upon graduation (hopefully in May 2015) I hope to enter the workforce and hold a job with which I can use my degree from this fine institution of higher learning to help whatever company I end up at grow, and in turn realize both its short/long term goals.
If I had to pick the one thing that it most unique about me, I would have to say that it is my proven record in Fantasy Football, as in the league that I am also the Commissioner of, the High Definition Football League, I have at least made it to the fantasy playoffs in every season, winning it all once.
And why that may not at first appear to be that great of an accomplishment, it is testament to my ability to draft a championship roster.  Apart from that distinguishing accomplishment I am just like your everyday college student, I attend class (most of the time), like to have a little fun on the weekends, and attempt to balance my personal relationships with my time spent at the library.
Alas practically zero decent photos of me exist at the present time, so I decided to go with this one from my glory days playing intramural football, I can be seen pictured second from the left on the back row.

Thank you weary traveler of the Internet for reading this blog, look forward to more in the future,

Dalton A. Flint

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