Monday, December 8, 2014

Not Steve Jobs!

Welcome back readers of my blog (although I do not know why), but anyways welcome back to another post of Dalton Flint Talks Real Estate.  In this post I will be discussing everyone's favorite piece of Russian real estate.  Kremlin? No.  St. Basil's Cathedral? Close, but not quite.  The piece of real estate that I am referring to is none other than the now removed Steve Job's memorial that was recently removed from a Russian university campus in St. Petersburg.  The statue was removed following Apple CEO Tim Cook's coming out as gay, which clearly upset the Russians.  The monument, which was in the shape of an oversized iPhone, was placed on the campus in 2013 and remained there as a celebration in memorial of Steve Job's and his pioneering spirit.  While I do partake in Apple technology, I cannot say that I fall under the category of fanboy, anyways the Russians also blamed Apple and the company's links to NSA spying as grounds to remove the statue. This piece of real estate, although odd, had political ramifications across ultraconservative St. Petersburg, and some lawmakers even called for a travel ban on Tim Cook.  It is pretty weird to think that some of this shakeup in Russia was indeed caused by a mere piece of real estate, in this case a peculiar iPhone shaped statue.
I found this real estate related event interesting as it shows the impact has on world news and in our daily lives, and also how real estate has the ability to create incredible backlash that may be felt in other countries, such as in this case between Russia and the United States of America.
Here we have the monument, albeit peculiar, in the middle of a Russian college campus in St. Petersburg.

And here we have its subsequent removal.

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