Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Detroit Renaissance?

Hello travelers of the Internet and welcome back to my blog, this post concerns the relocation of one of Brooklyn's most storied performing arts venues, the Galapagos Art Space, and its relocation to Detroit, Michigan.

After the fallout from the default of the city of Detroit, Michigan, one performing arts center saw an opening from which to capitalize on.  The Galapagos Art Space, formerly of Brooklyn, New York, would have celebrated its twentieth anniversary anniversary in Brooklyn, however rising rent costs in the city have driven the venue to relocate to Detroit, where rental costs are drastically lower.
The Galapagos Art Space will also be able to benefit from their home in Detroit to the tune of 600,000 square feet, with plans for a 10,000 square foot lake at the center of the Space's new home.  The Galapagos Art Space has been able to benefit from a white hot real estate market resulting from the aftermath of the default of the city of Detroit, as well as a cultural landscape that is welcoming and nurturing of the arts.  The Space has been able to obtain all of the square footage in Detroit for about the cost of a small apartment in New York, where a lack expansion potential has severely limited the growth opportunities available, and the ones that manifest themselves come at an extraordinary cost.
Overall the Galapagos Art Space's relocation from Brooklyn to Detroit has proven a boon for both the Space, and also for the arts community in Detroit, where the Space will be able to have an immediate impact on the constantly changing cultural environment of the large city.
 The Galapagos Art Space's new home in Detroit, Michigan, prior to renovations.
The Space's old home in Brooklyn, New York.

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